Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The 'T' Word.

Wow, it's late! Post 1am Central Time, actually. This means that the following blog update will proceed in bullet-ed form.

~ Left hotel.
~ Ate lunch in park.
~ Waited around in park for interesting weather.
~ Almost got flung off a teeter totter in park waiting around for interesting weather.
~ Mildly injured right hand playing football in park waiting around for interesting weather.
~ Followed DOW7 as they left park.
~ Took transect of a little cell that appeared somewhat interesting on radar.
~ Ended up in Roswell, NM for dinner.
~ Narrowly escaped being abducted by aliens.
~ Rode back to different hotel in the jump seat of DOW6.
~ Someone in the front of DOW6 farted.
~ Thought aliens might smell better than the driver and navigator of DOW6.
~ Hotel. Sleep.

Obligatory weather shot. For the cloud newbies, these are called mammatus.

Extra-terrestrial or DOW6 operator? You decide.

Which brings us to....
~ Waited around in parking lot for interesting weather.
~ Fixed problem child pod (Pod L) for the 2nd time.
~ Had lunch at hotel.
~ Tried golden Oreos with chocolate cream middles.
~ Forced myself to avoid eating more Oreos.
~ Followed DOW7 out of hotel.
~ Waited in another parking lot.
~ Moved from parking lot to side of road.
~ Waited on side of road with feet out the window.
~ Followed DOW7 to interesting weather.
~ zomg TORNADO (umm we pod people think)!
~ Aww tornado only lived a few seconds.
~ Deployed pods in pouring rain.
~ Picked up pods almost immediately in not so pouring rain.
~ Sat in wet clothing in car for quite some time.
~ Darkness falls.
~ zomg LIGHTENING (this I know for sure)!
~ Thought "they won't have us deploy pods anymore tonight."
~ Deployed pods 5 minutes after thinking "they won't have us deploy pods anymore tonight."
~ zomg TORNADO (umm we think with more certainty this time)!
~ Picked up pods in more rain.
~ Thought I probably ought to bring a dry pair of pants next chase day.
~ Are you still reading this?
~ Good for you!

Yeah, that about sums it up. A proper update may come later when I'm not thinking I really ought to get my sleep on.

There was actually a funnel cloud out there, behind my rain splattered window.

Storms have no respect for sunset. Geesh.

I call this one 'Pure Luck'.


  1. Quite interesting reporting, when nothing thrilling has happened. You have a gift of making even little details interesting, Ratt! Especially the "smelly alien" comparison! Those cloud and lightning shots were neat. I'm holding out for a full-fledged tornado shot! Can you stand under the center and shoot upward (need to activate anti-shake feature on camera...)

