Greetings, blog world. Since the last update, the [almost entire] Vortex2 crew of 100+ personnel (including Chase, the tornado chasing wonderdog) reunited for the first all hands meeting in Woodward, KS. After depleting the town's supplies of Wagg's fries, Perrier, and bubble wrap (and determining that severe weather would likely not be occurring in or near Woodward in the immediate future), the V2 armada packed up and sailed (well, drove) off to the wilds of Kansas. After being in this new location for a few short hours, it appears that the V2 crew has depleted the town's supply of tortilla chips (it is, after all, Cinco de Mayo) and will therefore likely be departing at some reasonably early hour tomorrow in search of Tostitos. As there appears to be some chance of stormy weather in the Great Plains in the coming day or so, Vortex2 is planning to be in operations mode on the morrow.
Though the weather has not been overly exciting for the first few days of this phase of the project, that does not mean that the V2 crew is sitting by the pool sipping margaritas! Look at these folks, hard at work in the late hours of the night! One of the DOWs has a broken magnetron (aka thingamagig) that is actually quite important to the operation of the radar, and it had to be replaced this evening.

It's a little known fact, but this photo clearly shows that many of the CSWR crew are actually extraterrestrials. How else would one explain the strange glow coming from their foreheads? (Telling you that they are wearing headlamps would be far less exciting.)

See, it's weird.
Ops tomorrow...
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